The Essential Guide on How to Grow a Beard




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Did you know that the beard oil market value grew to $796.5 million in 2020 and is projected to expand further at a CAGR of 3.3% between 2021 and 2030? 

The rising awareness and demand for beard oils are attributed to the fact that these products not only have some pretty impressive scientific benefits but also keep men ruggedly handsome by making the beards look fuller, softer, and lusher. 

Since making a bold fashion statement for aristocrats in the early 1600s, beards have withstood the tests of time, and today, they are just plain cool. A well-maintained Van Dyke, neckbeard, goatee, and chin-strip look great, regardless of your style. 

But will beard oil help me grow a beard? Well, read on to learn more. 

Will Beard Oil Help Me Grow a Beard?

The average beard, made up of about 30,000 whiskers, grows 5 ½ inches in a year. However, beard oils, when applied correctly, can help your facial hair to grow faster and thicker. The right product also enhances the elasticity of your beard whiskers. 

Beard oils stimulate the growth of your facial hair by naturally moisturizing the skin underneath it, removing any unwanted dead skin cells and other impediments as well as opening up your beard pores. What’s more, they have naturally occurring antioxidants, like vitamins E and C and carotenoids, which further strengthen the beard. The antioxidants repair any damage to your hair’s cellular membranes. 

Although most women find men with stubble more physically attractive, according to a 2016 study published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, a stubborn growing-in stubble itch can cause you to shave before a full beard grows in. Luckily, applying beard oil to your beard and the skin underneath it prevents stubbles and itching. 

Do Beard Oils Actually Work?

Beard oil, a mixture of one or more ingredients like jojoba oil, argan oil, coconut oil, and grape seed oil, works but probably not in the way you’re thinking. The product only works when you already have a beard as it functions more like an enhancer. 

However, there is a common misconception that beard oil is some sort of magic growth formula that could make a man from having a little beard potential to a lumberjack in 30 days. And I feel a lot of this is due to marketing, but let us not open that can of worms here. 

Getting back to the elephant in the room, no, beard oil will not drastically make a difference in beard growth. But it really helps as it provides the ideal environment for facial hair growth. 

For you to understand better how beard oils work, let’s look at their roles. Here are the some things beard growth oil helps in:

  • Removes the itching of the beard
  • Moisturizes the skin underneath your beard
  • Nobody likes the rough beard, not even the girls, and beard oil makes your beard smooth and shiny
  • Provides an ideal environment for your beard to grow faster
  • It fills the patches of the beard. Most people are facing this problem
  • Beard oil will only help those who have a beard

How Long Will it Take to Grow a Beard Using Beard Oil?

The simple answer is 2-6 months, for most men. Genetics, as we’ll see, plays an important role in the growth process, as do many other factors. But the majority of men will spot a full beard after 6 months of growth and many a lot sooner than that.

Your beard grows in different stages. The first week’s growth generally consists of stubble while the beard steadily (sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly) fills in as long as you do not trim it. 

Trimming and shaping your beard will delay the process and skew the timeframe by which you can grow a full face of whiskers. It’s up to you whether slow, steady, and well-maintained is your speed, or if you are simply going for length.

My Top 3 Beard Oils

My Rating

Amazon link

Viking Revolution


Honest Amish


Grave Before Shave Beard Oil


Do Beard Vitamins Work?

Like hair supplements for women, beard vitamins and minerals are said to produce thicker, healthier hair. But if your body wasn’t meant to grow a beard -due to genetics- the supplement may not work. A typical daily vitamin contains similar ingredients and is probably cheaper. 

Poor hair growth, and even hair loss, can happen when you lack certain vitamins and minerals in your diet. Such nutrients include vitamin B, selenium, vitamin A, Vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and iron – all of which (especially B vitamins) are common ingredients in beard growth vitamins. However, if you’re not deficient in these vitamins, you may not notice a boost in growth. 

This explains why a boost in vitamins will go a long way in helping you grow that mane you so much covet.

Can I Make My Beard Thicker?

Supplements are great for filling in a patchy beard and making a beard fuller and thicker in just a couple of months. However, vitamins can’t grow a beard for you, if you don’t have it in your genes. Stimulating hair growth can be as simple as taking supplements in addition to a balanced diet. 

Very few guys grow thick beards for the first few years after they start producing facial hair, and it can take years before you are able to see the seeds of your genetics. The simple truth is the more you let your beard grow out, the thicker it will continue to grow.

Final Thoughts

Beard oil, a cosmetic product, is designed to improve the appearance of beards and moisturize the skin beneath them. However, it has not been scientifically proven to help your beards grow faster. But it can make the beards look fuller, softer, and lusher.

For more insightful information on beards, browse through our website for subsequent articles on the side effects of beard oils and their benefits as well as how to come up with your own remedy from the comfort of your home.

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