How Fast Does a Beard Grow? Everything You Need to Know




How Fast Does a Beard Grow? Everything You Need to Know is supported by its readers. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Also, as an Amazon affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Hey there, fellow beard enthusiast! Are you curious about how fast your beard grows? Well, you’re not alone! It’s a question that many of us bearded folks have pondered at one time or another.

The truth is, there are a number of factors that can influence the speed at which your beard grows. One of the biggest factors is age. As we get older, our beard growth can slow down or even come to a halt. But fear not, my friend, because genetics also plays a role. Some of us are simply blessed with the DNA to grow thicker, fuller beards than others.

Now, let’s talk testosterone. This hormone is a major player in the game of facial hair growth. The higher your testosterone levels, the more likely you are to have a robust beard. So, if you’re looking to boost your beard growth, you might want to consider taking steps to naturally increase your testosterone levels.

But enough talk, let’s get down to business. Below, you’ll find a simple calculator that can help you estimate the growth rate of your beard. It’s based on the most common growth length per month, and it’s super easy to use. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try and see how your beard stacks up!

Beard Growth Calculator

Factors That Affect Beard Growth


Hormones play a significant role in beard growth. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics, including facial hair growth. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of testosterone, also affects beard growth. DHT binds to hair follicles, leading to the growth of thicker and longer facial hair.


Genetics is another critical factor that affects beard growth. Your genes determine the thickness, color, and growth pattern of your beard. If your father or grandfather had a full beard, you are more likely to have one too. However, if your family has a history of patchy beards, you may struggle to grow a full beard.


Age is also a factor that affects beard growth. Most men start growing facial hair during puberty and the growth rate peaks in the late twenties. As you age, the growth rate slows down, and the beard may become thinner and patchy.

Other factors that affect beard growth include blood flow, iron levels, and keratin production. Good blood flow to the face ensures that the hair follicles receive the necessary nutrients for growth. Iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the hair follicles. Keratin is the protein that makes up the hair, and its production affects the strength and thickness of the beard hair.

Several factors affect beard growth, including hormones, genetics, and age. While some of these factors are beyond your control, you can take steps to promote healthy beard growth, such as maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and using beard care products.

How Fast Does a Beard Grow?

If you’re growing a beard, you might be wondering how fast it will grow. The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors, including genetics, age, and lifestyle habits. Here’s what you need to know about the average growth rate of a beard, the stages of beard growth, and the growth stage you’re in.

Average Growth Rate

On average, beards grow about half an inch per month. However, this rate can vary depending on the person. Some men may experience faster growth, while others may experience slower growth. Genetics play a significant role in determining your beard’s growth rate, so if your father or grandfather had a thick beard, you’re more likely to experience faster growth.

Stages of Beard Growth

Beard growth occurs in three stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen. During the anagen stage, which lasts about 2-6 years, the hair follicle is actively growing. In the catagen stage, which lasts about 2-3 weeks, the hair follicle begins to shrink. In the telogen stage, which lasts about 3 months, the hair follicle is at rest before the hair falls out and the cycle starts again.

Growth Stage

Understanding the growth stage you’re in can help you determine how fast your beard is growing. If you’re in the anagen stage, your beard may be growing quickly. However, if you’re in the telogen stage, your beard may not be growing at all. It’s important to note that everyone’s growth stage is different, so don’t be discouraged if your beard isn’t growing as fast as you’d like.

The average growth rate of a beard is about half an inch per month, but this can vary depending on genetics, age, and lifestyle habits. Understanding the stages of beard growth and the growth stage you’re in can help you determine how fast your beard is growing. Remember to be patient and take good care of your beard to encourage healthy growth.

My Top 3 Beard Trimmers

Bevel Beard Trimmer

Philips Norelco Multigroom Series 7000

Braun Beard Trimmer BT5265







Our Rating


A premium trimmer. Used by many barbers.

Too many accessories. Good starter trimmer due to the manual guards.

Comes with razor as a bonus. Easy dial for precision trimming.

Tips for Faster Beard Growth

If you’re looking to grow a beard faster, there are a few things you can do to help speed up the process. Here are some tips to keep in mind:


Regular exercise can help improve blood flow and circulation throughout your body, which can in turn help stimulate hair growth. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day, such as jogging, cycling, or weightlifting.


Eating a balanced diet that’s rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals is essential for healthy hair growth. Make sure you’re getting enough protein from sources like lean meats, fish, and eggs. Incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables into your diet, as well as whole grains and healthy fats.

Vitamins and Supplements

Certain vitamins and supplements can also help promote hair growth. Look for supplements that contain biotin, zinc, and B vitamins, which are all important for healthy hair growth. However, it’s important to talk to your doctor before starting any new supplements.


Getting enough sleep is crucial for overall health, including hair growth. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to help your body repair and regenerate.

Remember to also keep your beard clean and well-conditioned. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner designed for facial hair, and avoid over-washing, which can strip your beard of its natural oils.

It’s important to note that genetics and age also play a role in beard growth. While these tips may help promote faster growth, it’s important to be patient and consistent with your beard care routine.

Beard Care

Taking care of your beard is essential to keep it healthy and growing at a steady pace. Here are some tips to help you maintain your beard:


Establishing a routine for your beard care is crucial. You should clean your beard regularly with mild shampoo and conditioner. Washing your beard too often can strip it of its natural oils, leading to dryness and breakage. Aim to wash your beard once or twice a week.

Trimming Your Beard

Trimming your beard regularly is essential to keep it looking neat. You can use scissors or a trimmer to trim your beard. Start by trimming the longer hairs and work your way down to the shorter ones. You can also use a comb to help guide the trimmer.

Brushing and Exfoliating

Brushing your beard regularly helps to distribute the natural oils and keep it looking healthy. Use a beard brush or comb to detangle your beard and remove any knots. Exfoliating your skin under the beard can help prevent ingrown hairs and beard dandruff. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub once a week.

Beard Dandruff

Beard dandruff is a common problem that can be caused by dry skin or a buildup of dead skin cells. To prevent beard dandruff, make sure to keep your beard clean and moisturized. Use a beard oil or balm to keep your beard hydrated and prevent dryness.

Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs can be painful and unsightly. To prevent ingrown hairs, exfoliate your skin regularly and avoid shaving too closely. If you do get ingrown hair, use a warm compress to help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Taking care of your beard is essential to keep it healthy and growing at a steady pace. Establish a routine, trim your beard regularly, brush and exfoliate, and prevent beard dandruff and ingrown hairs. By following these tips, you can maintain a healthy and attractive beard.


In conclusion, growing a beard takes patience and time. There is no exact timeline for how long it takes to grow a beard, as it varies from person to person. However, on average, it takes about 2-6 months to grow a full beard.

The condition of your beard also plays a role in how fast it grows. If you take good care of your beard by keeping it clean, moisturized, and well-groomed, it will likely grow faster and healthier.

It’s important to keep in mind that genetics also play a role in beard growth. Some people may have a genetic predisposition to grow a thicker and fuller beard, while others may struggle to grow a beard at all.

Overall, growing a beard requires patience and commitment. It’s important to take care of your beard and give it time to grow. With the right care and attention, you can achieve the beard that you desire.

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