Category: Beard


  • Does beard grow on acne scars?

    Does beard grow on acne scars?

    Scars, especially acne scars can be a real hassle to live with. Especially if you’re trying to grow a majestic beard out, and you have scars on your beard-area. This raises the question, can beards grow on acne scars, or even other scars? To start we need to discuss why you get these scars, and…

  • Top 5 professional beard trimmers for traveling

    Top 5 professional beard trimmers for traveling

    We are currently dealing with a pandemic that has not only affected our lives but also our physical appearance. When we look into a mirror we may not recognize the person that you are looking at. All of this because of our unruly and rowdy appearance. Now is the time to get the necessity that…

  • Beard getting white at young age?

    Beard getting white at young age?

    So we all can agree that beard and beard culture is on the way upwards in both fashion, but even as in social standards. I myself as a manager are (at least for now) allowed to have a pretty big beard, and most clients and even employees compliment me for it. in fact, this whole…

  • Do Beard Oil expire? All you need to know

    Do Beard Oil expire? All you need to know

    Chances are that if you’re reading this post, you are most likely well underway with growing your beard. You’ve probably gone past the itching-phase and now you’ve stockpiled on all different kinds of beard oils and maybe even beard balms. So, this raises the question; Does Beard Oil Expire? Well, let’s take a step back…

  • How to Make a Van Dyke beard: With Video Help!

    How to Make a Van Dyke beard: With Video Help!

    If you don’t have a run-of-the-mill- personality, you’ll always be looking to improve your appearance whether it’s hair, your outfits, or your beard. This is when the Van Dyke beard comes into play. A Van Dyke beard can garner a lot of attention because it enhances your facial features. If you’re after an elongated chin,…

  • 7 Best Beard oil recipes

    7 Best Beard oil recipes

    A good beard makes anyone look more attractive. Even if you don’t have a face that is very attractive, growing an attractive beard can instantly turn the tide in your favor. Some things can help you grow a healthy beard and getting enough nutrients for your beard hair is one of the more important ones. …

  • At what age does beard growth peak?

    At what age does beard growth peak?

    This is a common question asked on the internet. When does really your beard growth peak? When can you consider yourself going full-beard-mode? Typically you start developing facial hair in the later stages of puberty. Which tends to be around 15 years of age. However, you may go as long as around 20-25 before seeing…

  • Beard fade styles – maybe the coolest beard?

    Beard fade styles – maybe the coolest beard?

    When you see a beard fade it pretty much screams ”barber” from it. It’s one of those cuts that are really tough to recreate yourself. A beard fade is in my opinion one of the coolest beard cuts out there, if done right. A fade from an inexperienced barber could mean disaster for your look.…

  • How to Grow a Moustasche – Fast and Simple!

    How to Grow a Moustasche – Fast and Simple!

    Ready to look like the next Tom Selleck? You are, but the area between your lips and your nose seems indifferent towards your wants. Glad you’re here, here I will teach you on how to grow a moustasche! I know how terrible it may be sometimes to not be able to grow a moustache while…