Does women like beards?




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When we are dating we’re almost always turning it up to 11. We buy fancy clothes, shirts, maybe even a suit. And we go out for a epic dinner, prepare phrases in front of the mirror until we pretty much exhausted.

What if I told you there was a much easier way?

Grow a beard.

Lets investigate a bit further…

I’ve come across a study from 2020,
Read the study here
…surprisingly the results were pretty amazing!

Women were given the task to judge a number of pictures of men with a wide array of facial hair. The most of the women found that heavy-stubble men were the best looking of the bunch.

“Women rated heavy stubble as significantly more attractive than clean-shaven, light stubble and full beards”

However if we were to look at other factors, like masculinity, health and parenting skills, full beard beards appear to be in the top of the game. It ends up on how you want to be perceived, more masculine, or more attractive?

Another study asked 8500 women to rate men with facial hair, to see which one they found most attractive. They were shown pictures of men with clean shaven, stubble in various degrees and also a full beard.’s_ratings_of_men’s_facial_attractiveness

Not so surprising they signed heavy stubble to again be the most attractive of the bunch.


More interestingly the women found that the men with heavy stubble were more likely to have both a short and/or long term relationship with. They were also more viewed as more masculine, more socially mature. Takeaway from this is that a light to heavy stubble is the more secure choice if you are strictly looking to please others or women.

Personally I think it comes down to more than just numbers. If I take myself for example I’ve felt a lot of different things during my beard growth cycles. If I look back at pictures I can definitely agree that I was the most good-looking when I was rocking a heavy-stubble look. However I as a person feel more confident with a full beard. Even though it takes a lot longer in the mornings with straightening it all out. People talk about bed hair, but bed beard is so much worse…

To look at more evidence of why you should give growing a beard a go, look at these images:

Embed from Getty Images Embed from Getty Images

I think I’ll just leave it at this. People get to decide what they like. Personally, i’d go for the more rugged look every day of the week. But in the end you should have the kind of beard or stubble that makes YOU feel confident. But please, do not end up being one of those guys just growing a beard and neglecting it. That is not a look for the modern man.

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