Your beard reflects your health: Thinning and baldness




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Beards are dependent on your testosterone level, habits, and health to grow. It needs to be in a proper environment for it to grow healthy.

If you’re not taking care of yourself, you might notice the appearance of bald spots or start losing hair in your beard. In extreme cases, it might even grow bald.

As a matter of fact, your beard is a great way to reflect your health. If you’re not eating right or if you have an unhealthy lifestyle, your beard will show it.

That’s why it’s important to have a healthy lifestyle if you want to grow a beard. You need to eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep. If you don’t do these things, your beard will show it.

That’s why it’s important to always take care of your health. It’s quite annoying to find bald spots on your chin after you’ve proudly grown your beard. This raises the question, do beards go bald?

Causes of Thinning or Baldness in Beard

Often the problem comes from a low level of testosterone. Go ahead and reflect, have you changed your habits and lifestyle recently? If yes, that may be the cause.

Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. You just need to get back on track and maintain a healthy lifestyle. But first, you need to know the cause.

You Are What You Eat

You might be eating something that can cause a decrease in your testosterone levels. It has a direct effect on your beard growth which may be the cause for its scarcity.

It’s better if you watch what you eat or take supplements. Be careful though, eating too much can lead to obesity, and obesity is known to decrease testosterone levels

Not enough sleep

Disrupting your body’s repair system and release of testosterone will once again negatively affect your beard. Do not impede your body’s internal systems during sleep.

Chill Out!

When you’re stressed, your hair follicles become dormant. That means it won’t be supplying the necessary nutrients/moisture that your beard will need for it to grow healthy.

Your hair will also become rough. It will start to itch and soon enough you’ll be scratching and applying pressure thus, bald spots.

Hormonal Imbalance

When you’re in the normal range of male hormones, your beards will grow at their normal rate. But once there’s a hormonal imbalance, you’ll slowly get bald spots.

This is because your body isn’t supplied with its normal quantity of male hormones. Your body is not used to the change and can cause bald spots.

Alopecia Areata

According to dermatologist Viktoryia D Kazlouskaya, MD, Ph.D., this is a condition that causes patches of baldness. It can affect your beard, head, and other parts of your body. The hair follicles are attacked by your immune system which leads to hair loss.

If you’ve been experiencing any form of hair loss in your beard, it’s important to see a doctor. You might be suffering from alopecia areata, trichotillomania, or even cancer. Be sure to get checked out so that you can start treatment as soon as possible.

Growing Older

It can’t be helped. The older we grow, the less hair we’ll have. At a certain age, your body won’t be able to produce the same amount of hormones and nourishments for your beard.

After this, it can never really regenerate. The only thing you can do is to hopefully delay it as much as possible.

Alopecia Barbae

It’s a kind of disease that targets your beard. It’s when your body mistakenly attacks healthy cells and in Alopecia Barbae, it attacks your hair follicles.

It usually happens suddenly, you’ll begin to lose your beard in small patches. This can also lead to the balding of your beard.

Your Genetics Matter

Sometimes it’s just in our genes. If nothing matches what you’re experiencing right now then it’s probably due to genetics.

Take a look at your family, and observe the ones that have beards. If it’s a common trait there’s nothing much you can do.

How to Fix Bald Spots

Bald spots aren’t that appealing to the eyes and can distract you every time you look in the mirror. It’s annoying especially if you grow a beard for aesthetic purposes.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned in the content body above, it is advised that you seek out a medical opinion to rule out any possible medical conditions.

Eating Right

Eat foods that are rich in Zinc and Vitamins. That way, your beard will get enough nutrients from your body and grow without much problem.

You also might need to stay away from food that decreases your testosterone levels. By doing so, you’ll grow your beard more frequently and prevent it from thinning out.

Exercise Does Help

The root of your hair is nourished by the blood from nearby vessels. By exercising, you’ll be improving your blood circulation and nourishing the root of your hair. 

Let It Grow

While it’s technically just hiding the bald spot, it’s still an effective method, at least aesthetically. 

By not shaving and just letting your beard grow, you’ll eventually cover the bald spot. The key is to be patient and let it grow naturally.

Beard Transplant

This is a surgical procedure wherein hair follicles are taken from one part of the body and transplanted to the balding area. It’s a costly method but it’s effective.

Beard transplants have come a long way in the past few years, and the results look more natural now than ever before.

But as with any surgery, there are risks involved. And it’s not a guaranteed fix for everyone. Consult your doctor before going through with the surgery.

Try Supplements

There are beard growth supplements in the market that can help with your problem. Look for those that have vitamins and minerals that can help with hair growth.

But beware, some supplements claim to have amazing results but lack scientific evidence.

Use a Derma Roller

A derma roller is a small device that has hundreds of tiny needles. These needles will create tiny wounds on your skin which will then activate the healing process.

As part of the healing process, your body will send more nutrients to the area which will then help with hair growth.

Caring for Your Hair Follicles

Itching is normal for people with beards. Sometimes, we go overboard and scratch too much, damaging the skin and hair follicles.

To fix this, you can add oil or moisturizer which should stop it from itching. Especially if the cause of the itchiness is your dry skin.

Stay Away from Stress

There are different ways to go about it. You can try meditating or yoga, whatever works best for you and your mental health.


Supplements are a great way to increase the number of vitamins you get every day. Not only can it provide you with much-needed nourishment but it will get the nourishment you need for your beard.

It’s All About the Style

You can try and pull a Johnny Depp by shaving some parts of your beard to create a symmetrical shape. Creativity and a great eye for beauty are what are needed for this one.

While it may not fix your bald spot, it certainly camouflages it along with your other shaven parts to create a beautifully styles beard.

Preventing Bald Spots

Bald spots can be a pain to grow back. It’s much better to not have it in the first place, wouldn’t you agree? After all, prevention is better than the cure.

One way to do so is to maintain a lifestyle that makes your beard look fuller and healthier. It is being reiterated throughout this article because it’s an important part of the whole beard growing process.

Moreover, effectively grooming your beard will prevent it from falling out. You can try using beard oil or beard balm for higher quality.

You can also try taking B vitamin supplements. It’s in charge of producing keratin and collagen, essential components for your hair.

Never do more than necessary. It’s okay to be over-excited and aggressive about growing a beard but overdoing it may produce the opposite effect.

You need to remember that it’s important to balance out everything, not too much and not too little. The balance will ensure that your beard is maintained and well-kept.

Can Hair Grow out Of My Bald Spot?

Well, as long as the spot isn’t caused by genetics then yes, it can. Though, it does depend on the stage of your bald spot. 

And if it’s because of alopecia barbae then it will be difficult. Especially since it’s a disease that doesn’t have a cure for bald spots.

If it’s in a really bad shape then you’re going to struggle re-growing hair in that spot. You can use products to aid with it though.

One of them is Minoxidil, it will help make your beard thicker and cover up your bald spot while it’s still under repair.

But you have to use it regularly, otherwise, the bald spot may appear again. You can also try consulting your doctor for tips and practices that you can apply to regrow your beard. 

Do I Need to See a Doctor?

Depends, are you having health problems along with it? Are you currently under a torrent of stress? Are you losing confidence because of your bald spot?

If you said yes to even just one of the questions, then you should go see a doctor. You might need to do additional tests to fix it.

It’s better if you also go to a specialized one if the situation is really serious. A professional in their field will greatly help with your beard problems.

Is It Possible to Permanently Fix Bald Spots?

Again, it depends on the cause of the bald spot. When it’s due to your diet or stress, then just eat well or destress to fix the bald spot.

Of course, it won’t be a permanent fix if you continue or come back to your unhealthy lifestyle. You’ll need to maintain if you want to keep a healthy beard.

When it comes to a disease such as Alopecia Barbae, there’s no cure. You can only treat and manage your symptoms wherein your hair may regrow but there’s a high possibility of it falling out again.


While your beard can go bald, there’s probably only a small chance of it happening. Especially when you do everything necessary to keep your beard.

All there is to it is a little bit of maintenance and upkeep. That way, you can ensure the healthy growth of your beard without worrying about bald spots in the future.

And don’t worry, even if you have bald spots now, growing them back isn’t impossible. Sure, it may take a lot of work but luscious beards are always worth the effort.

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